Hypertrichosis Universalis Congenita, Ambras Type; Htc1
Hypertrichosis is defined as hair growth that is excessive for a particular site of the body or age of the patient and that is not hormone-dependent (summary by Fantauzzo et al., 2012).
Clinical Features
Phenotypes and symptoms related to Hypertrichosis Universalis Congenita, Ambras Type; Htc1
- Abnormal facial shape
- Hypertrichosis
- Congenital, generalized hypertrichosis
Incidence and onset information
— Not enough data available about incidence and published cases.

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Alternate names
Hypertrichosis Universalis Congenita, Ambras Type; Htc1 Is also known as ambras syndrome, hypertrichosis, congenital generalized;ambras syndrome.
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